Hindi Translator

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English To Hindi Conversion

Type in English and press space(add space) to get converted to Hindi
Do not copy paste type yourself word by word. Space between the words converts the language

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  • Start typing in the box shown in English (This is the wow factor of the tool ).

  • The tool will translate your text to the selected language when you hit the “Spacebar key”

  • Type in your tall the text and don’t worry about correcting the mistakes in translated text for now.

  • Click on a word that you think did not get converted properly or you want some alternative sentence, Google will give you other choices to replace the word with.

  • Another wow factor is that you can format the translated text using the format tool which allows you to change the text size and color.

  • You can also insert text in any language by using “Insert Special Characters” dialogue. That can be accessed by clicking “Insert Unicode Characters Link”.

  • After having your converted text, copy and paste that in Facebook status and share with your friends.
  • Google Translate is a free, multilingual statistical machine-translation service provided by Google Inc. to translate written text from one language into another.
    Before October 2007, for languages other than Arabic, Chinese and Russian, Google used a SYSTRAN based translator which is used by other translation services such as Yahoo! Babel Fish, AOL, and Yahoo.
    On May 26, 2011, Google announced that the Google Translate API had been deprecated and that it would cease functioning on December 1, 2011, "due to the substantial economic burden caused by extensive abuse."[3][4] The shutting down of the API, used by a number of websites, led to criticism of Google and to developers questioning the viability of using Google APIs in their products.